Nutrition Immersive

This offering is for:

This offering is for those who want a quick and quality plan which will make lasting change with food behaviors possible at the end of 1 immersive week (full 7 days).

And is:

100% Tailored to you

It requires:

A semi-significant time investment as we will meet for a 1 hr. intro session then half hr. per day for 5 consecutive days and will close out with a 1 hr. session on the last day of your immersive week. You will also be provided 2 goal setting and reflection exercises per day in addition to optional food and behavior logging prompts.

and provides:

Private individual sessions (which compares to a months worth of work in typical nutrition outpatient counseling), access to guidance and additional resources as often as you would like to utilize them throughout the day. It incorporates many of the same components of individual nutrition counseling but in a succession which helps you build momentum in behavioral change.

This offering incorporates principles of acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness, gentle nutrition, cognitive behavioral therapy and more.

This offering is heavily guided by your own values and goals. You determine the destination, I will guide you there.

It is a great fit for those:

Who refuse to use precious brain and heart space on battles with food or body one more day.

All range of eating concerns are welcome to apply including: Anorexia, Arfid, OSFED, Binge, Bulimia, Orthorexia, Athletes with disordered eating, Emotional eating and those experiencing dissatisfaction or low self confidence in their relationship with food and/or body.